Héma-Québec donations

Cord blood donation 

Certain hospitals have been targeted to carry out these donations, including Hôpital de la Cité-de-la-Santé of Laval.

Umbilical cord blood abounds with precious stem cells that make it possible to treat about 80 diseases, such as leukemia and bone marrow aplasia. By agreeing to donate your umbilical cord blood, you are offering a sick person, and their family, the hope of obtaining the stem cell transplant that they have been waiting for.

Cord blood donation procedure 

The procedure carries no risk for you or your baby, it does not change the time at which the cord is clamped, and it is done with the greatest respect for your privacy. Your stem cells can make it possible to save the life of someone unknown to you. To learn more, go to https://www.hema-quebec.qc.ca/cellules-souches/don-sang-cordon-ombilical/index.fr.html.

You can register online at the Héma-Québec umbilical cord blood donation site and consult the detailed steps.

Donations of breast milk 

Donations of breast milk are distributed to hospitals who request it for the treatment of very premature babies. About a third of mothers who deliver prematurely have difficulty maintaining sufficient production of milk for their infant.

To make a donation of breast milk, you must:

  • Be in good health
  • Have a baby who is no older than 12 months of age
  • Breastfeed your baby and have a surplus of milk
  • Be a non-smoker
  • Live in a municipality of the metropolitan community of Montréal (including Saint-Jérôme or Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu) or the metropolitan community of Quebec City (including Laurier-Station, Saint-Basile, Saint-Apollinaire, Neuville, Pont-Rouge, or Donnacona)

To learn more about donations of breast milk, go to https://www.hema-quebec.qc.ca/lait-maternel/donneuses-lait/banque-publique-lait-maternel.fr.html.

Explanatory leaflet about donation of breast milk

To register to donate breast milk, you must register online and follow the detailed steps.