In case of emergency

If you feel that there is a problem during your pregnancy or that you have an important question that cannot wait for your next appointment, you may contact the clinic and one of our secretaries will guide you. Outside office hours and even during the day, you may call 811 or the birthing centre.

If the problem requires immediate attention, you are at more than 15 weeks of pregnancy, and your problem is related to your pregnancy, you may go directly to the birthing centre.

For any other problem not covered by this situation, you must go to Hôpital de la Cité-de-la-Santé emergency, to a walk-in clinic, or make an appointment with your family doctor.

If you have significant bleeding during your first trimester, go to the emergency.

If you have a history of ectopic pregnancy, repeated miscarriages, or bleeding, it is important to mention that to our secretaries before your first appointment.