Privacy policy

Privacy policy

The Clinic of gynecologists Associates in Laval is committed to protecting the privacy rights of all individuals concerning personal information that is collected.

Privacy of individuals and personal information is enshrined in provincial and federal legislation. The company and all those who work in it undertake to comply with its obligations and directives by complying with the various legal terms and conditions governing the protection of personal information.

By providing us with personal information (through our website or patient portal, by email, in person or by phone), you agree that such information will be The Clinic of Associated Gynaecologists in Laval is authorized to process your personal information for the purposes set out below.

What personal information do we collect?

We only collect personal information that is necessary for the creation of your medical record and for your medical follow-up, such as:

  • Contact information such as name, address, email address and telephone number
  • Your health card number
  • Medical observations, a summary of all communication and diagnosis
  • Consultation requests, prescription, reports, and medical requisitions.
  • A summary of your medical history (medications, allergies, etc.)
  • Where applicable, evidence of consent given to us in circumstances where such consent is necessary for the handling of personal information.

Who can view your personal information?

Access to personal information within the company will be limited to employees who need information to perform their duties and physicians who need access to personal patient health information to provide care. These employees will treat the information in a strictly confidential manner and will not give any unauthorized person access to the information. Everyone we hire must abide by this policy and respect the clinic internal procedures. Any violation of this policy will result in termination.

Roles within the company

Employees are responsible for protecting the confidentiality of the personal information they have under the internal privacy policy, from the collection of information to its destruction.

Physicians have a duty of confidentiality arising from the patient-physician relationship with respect to the protection of this information. They are subject to the Privacy Act and are constantly ensuring compliance in their practice.

The Clinic Director is responsible for the protection of personal information in the organisation and is responsible for:

  • Ensure compliance and implementation of the Act;
  • Respond to requests for access, rectification, discontinuation, de-indexing;
  • Approve governance rules for personal information;
  • Maintain records of personal information disclosures without the consent of the individual concerned, including in the event of a privacy incident;
  • Be notified of any privacy incident;
  • Be consulted when assessing the risk of harm to an individual whose personal information is affected by a confidentiality incident;

How do we protect your personal information?

From the collection of information to the destruction of collected information, our company has put in place appropriate administrative, technical, and physical measures to protect personal information from loss or theft, unauthorized access, use or disclosure, modification, or destruction.

We are committed to collecting only necessary and useful data, limiting the use, disclosure, and retention of personal information. We have put in place safeguards and limited access to comply with the law.


At the Clinic of gynecologists Associates in Laval, information must be collected or disclosed to the knowledge and consent of the person concerned. Consent is a thoughtful act that meets these characteristics:

  • It must be obvious, that is, obvious, without doubt, indisputable;
  • Must be free, that is, without constraint;
  • It must be informed, specific, accurate and rigorous;
  • It is also given for specific purposes for a specified period of time;

We will not use your personal information without your consent unless it is used for the same purposes as the information was originally collected or compiled, whether the use is consistent with that purpose or whether it is to be used for a purpose under subsection 8(2) of the Privacy Act.

Procedure in case of complaint

If you feel that your personal information is not safe in our clinic or that a privacy incident involving personal information may have occurred, you can reach the Director at 450-668-3250 at extension 231. A complaint form will be completed and reviewed by management.

In the event of a real privacy incident involving personal information, the clinic of associated gynaecologists in Laval undertakes to:

  • Take reasonable measures to reduce the risk of harm to individuals and to prevent recurrence of similar incidents;
  • Advise the Access to Information Commission;
  • Record all privacy incidents in the incident log.